Monday, January 21, 2013

Guess who's on Instagram?

Okay, probably not the most difficult question I could possibly ask...but in case you didn't know, I got an Instagram account about a month ago! I finally decided to join the digital age and got myself an iPod. (I'm still too cheap for an iPhone.) So, if you feel so inclined, you can follow me @thejoyfulfox.

I'm following an absolutely pitiful number of people, so let me know your username and I'll give you a follow!


  1. What a coincidence, I've just linked my instagram to my blog - so late to the party but still so enjoyable! Have followed anyway (_emmalaw)


  2. Warning, I'm obsessed with your blog and following it and you are gorgeous and your outfits are amazing and your hair is perfect and and and. x

    1. This coming from a lady with a Tardis tattoo?! Yeah, I'm kind of obsessed with your blog!

  3. Your blog and following it and you can you pay for instagram followers are gorgeous and your outfits are amazing
