Something a little different on the blog today! No outfit to share. Instead, I have something else that's very important to have dressed up: my cubicle at work.
When I graduated college, I had no idea what I wanted to do. None. For all those of you who haven't graduated yet and don't have an idea of what kind of job you want to have...well, it's not necessarily a path I would recommend, but it has definitely worked out in my case. I majored in something I loved - creative writing - and was lucky enough to find a position that used those skills. I was (and still am) very grateful for that.
However, I never really saw myself as a 9-to-5er. It's great for paying bills, but it has certainly been an adjustment. So that's why I took it upon myself to make sure my cubicle was as welcoming and cozy as possible. We recently moved offices, and though my cube is ever evolving, I thought it would be nice to give you a little snapshot of what I see 40 hours a week. Without further ado:
Pictured, in no particular order: my niece and nephew, Chris and me, my sisters and me, an icon, various vintage photos from antique stores
If there's one area that's lacking in my cubicle (if you can call an almost-completely-covered cubicle lacking), it's the personal photos. I never really realized before, but since almost all of my photos are digital, I almost never have physical copies! It's a sad state of affairs, and one that I definitely hope to mend soon...
Besides my corner for personal photos, I have to have things that make me laugh:
As well as lovely things:
Lots and lots of tea (my boss always jokes with me that I should open up a tea shop) and fresh flowers when possible, this time picked by my coworker Erin:
And, always, as much art as I can cram on the walls - most of it Alphonse Mucha. The moment I knew I would get along with my coworkers was when I was there for orientation and saw that two of the people I'd be working with had Mucha prints in their cubicles!
Pictured, in no particular order: Beatles poster, random vintage sheet music, an autographed photo of silent film star Dorothy Janis, random art, and a print from an essay reading I gave in college
Left to right: Chris's painting of Annie Clark/St. Vincent, a fox print from a local artist, and Chris's gorgeous birthday present to me this year (I cried when I first saw it!)
And the final ingredient for surviving a 9-to-5 job?
Why, coffee, of course.
Do any of you artsy types out there work in an office? What are your survival tips?