Thursday, September 27, 2012

Weather systems

dress: vintage (Bluesville USA) | scarf: vintage | cardigan: Forever 21 | beret: Target | shoes: thrifted

Are you sick of me waxing poetic about my love for autumn? Bad news - it's not going to stop anytime soon. It already feels strange looking back at my last post and seeing bare legs everywhere...tights weather is officially here to stay, and I couldn't be happier. As soon as the weather dipped into the low sixties, I practically ran to my closet: "Velvet! Tights! Berets!" And this outfit was born. I wore it for a photoshoot at an outdoor farmer's market, and there was the most wonderful crispness to the air. How nice it was to get out of the office and get some fresh air! I live for these days of early fall.

At first I thought that, with the beret, maybe this outfit was too much...something, I don't know. But now I think I love it. I'm fickle that way. I felt very French, and looked it, too - or so people told me. Anyway, I'd been wanting to dig out this beret ever since I saw Moonrise Kingdom. (Oh, Suzy Bishop's wardrobe...) I hadn't worn it in years - partially because I felt I didn't know how to wear it properly. I think I did okay with it this time around!

I remember I posted a while back about my summer to-do list. Well...we didn't do so great at accomplishing much on the list, sadly. Much of it was for good reasons: Chris got swamped with a ton of art commissions, for one thing, which was wonderful! But part of it, I must say, was that I just let time get away from me. I'm not proud of that - I know it's just a silly to-do list and it's not the end of the world, but I really would like to get better at planning.

So now that we're into autumn, it's time for a fresh start. We're going to draw up a brand new to-do list, and we're determined to conquer it this time! I feel like I haven't had a truly full autumn, it might have been since high school. That's just not acceptable. This year, I'm going to be all about pumpkin patches and apple orchards and cider presses and long walks on leaf-covered paths...mark my words!

Also on the to-do list? ArtPrize! ArtPrize is one of those things that makes Grand Rapids truly a special place to live. For the past four years, for two weeks or so in September, our whole downtown has been basically transformed into a giant art gallery. There are pieces of art adorning the sides of buildings, the inside of restaurants, the streets, the sidewalks...anywhere and everywhere. It's an art competition, yes, but it's also an incredible chance to build community. I've never seen anything like it. It's been underway for a little over a week now, but I haven't read up on any of the entries because I want to see them in I can't wait to see what this year's competition has in store!

I hope your fall has gotten off to a great start! Have you done anything autumn-ish yet?